About Jen
Line Art, Motivational Quotes,
Abstract Art and Illustrations
Flora Pivoine, Poster
Bouquet in Parfum Bottle, Poster
Bouquet auf Eiswaffel, Poster
Black Parfum Bottle, Poster
Dotted Parfum Botte, Poster
Fashion, Poster
Fashionista, Poster
I am fashion, Poster
Monochrome Love, Poster
Don't quit before the miracle happens, Poster
Left Butterfly wing, Poster
Right Butterfly Wing, Poster
Sitting Woman, Download Poster
La beauté n'a pas d'age, Poster
Home Stripes, Poster
Paris - Le Marché aux fleurs, Poster
Waves, Poster
Agave, Poster
Magnolia Twins, Poster
Believe, Poster
Dream higher than the sky and deeper than the ocean, Poster
Hello! Ich bin Sandra Jennifer, der kreative Kopf hinter Tales by Jen. Mehr über mich erfährst du HIER.
Vielen Dank!